Call for papers - EN

We are happy to invite researchers, industry professionals and students to submit their latest research, work-in-progress and insights on the following topics:

  • Tourism/Hospitality and emerging technologies
  • Digital marketing strategies for tourism and hospitality
  • Promotion of sustainable development in tourism destinations
  • Sustainability and digital transformation in tourism/hospitality
  • Technological advancements in hospitality management
  • Accessibility and inclusivity in tourism/hospitality
  • Online booking platforms
  • Human-centred technology in tourism, hospitality and marketing
  • Customer experience and customisation strategies
  • Data privacy in tourism/hospitality
  • Case studies of digital transformation
  • Collaboration and partnerships in the digital era
  • Future trends, challenges and opportunities
  • Digital transformation in teaching and learning
  • The use of Large Language Models (LLM) in Tourism, Hospitality and Marketing

 Submission Guidelines

Abstract length: 750 words, including title, five keywords and bibliographic references (APA 7th edition).

  • The abstract must outline research aims, methodology, results, and implications.
  • The abstract submission template is available at www.
  • Conference Languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish
  • Presentations: 15 minutes.

Important information

  • Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by a minimum of two reviewers.
  • Each registered participant can make a maximum of two presentations and be the author or co-author of a maximum of four papers.

Publication opportunities

After the conference, selected authors will be invited to submit their full manuscripts by 31st March 2025 to be published in one of the partner journals.

Important dates

Date Description
02 September 2024 Abstract submission
01 October 2024 Author notification
15 October 2024 Abstract amendments (if necessary)
15 November 2024 Early-bird registration
15 December 2024 Late registration